Sunday 21 April 2013

Live with purpose, unleash your potential

Welcome to the ultimate women's wellness retreat...

May 31 to June 2, 2013
Stay in this beautiful 5000 sqft. hand-crafted artisan log home nestled in the forest of Mission BC.
Sitting in the hot tub overlooking the koi pond while sipping a healthy 'social elixir', listening to the sounds of the creek, is there anything more serene?

During your 2 night stay you may expect to;
  • connect to your food, your body and your environment; prepare a vegan meal and learn how nutrition can positively impact your energy levels, mental clarity and overall well being.
  • discover Kundalini yoga as it goes beyond the physical performance of poses with its emphasis on breathing and meditation all the while expanding your energy levels, mental clarity and overall well being.
  • explore a new mindset that can initiate a powerful personal transformation.
  • learn five simple steps to visualize and achieve your goals.
Enjoy deliciously prepared meals by well known Vancouver vegan chef Andrea Potter

Retreat Agenda

Friday May 31st;
  • 6-7pm arrival, meet, greet and nibble
  • 7:30 Breath journey with Engel

Saturday June 1st;
  • 8am early rise and detoxification drink
  • 9-10:30 Kundalini yoga session lead by Tracy Shannon
  • 10:30 breakfast bar and break
  • 11:15-1pm The Food Connection with Bridgette Leeson
  • 1-3pm The Vegan Cooking Show and lunch with Andrea Potter
  • 3pm lunch break
  • 3:30-5:30 Free Your Mind with life coach Dr. Christian Guenette
  • 5:30-7pm break
  • 7pm dinner & 'social elixirs'

Sunday June 2nd;
  • 8am rise & breakfast bar
  • 8:30-10:30 The 5 Secrets to Achieve Anything You Want in Your Life with Monica Regan
  • 10:30-11am wrap up, recognitions and checkout
Regular price $800
Introductory offer $375
private rooms available
intimate setting & limited space


Dr. Christian Guenette is a man with a mission.
He has connected with his life purpose, which is to help alleviate unnecessary human suffering.
Over the past 13+ years, he has been fulfilling this mission as a holistic chiropractor in Vancouver, BC. With a respect for the powerful influence the mind-body connection has on health and healing, he has been teaching his patients about their innate ability to get well and stay well…one patient at a time.
Now it's time for Christian to step up to the world stage and spread his message of hope, inspiration and infinite possibilities – in the form of The Thought book series.
Knowing that there is power in numbers, Christian has teamed up with the incredibly talented Gillian Roberts to help take the idea of their book: The Thought That Changed My Life Forever and deliver it to the world. With Kristen Moeller of Imbue Press, Christian and Gillian are on a mission to change lives, helping to make the impossible possible.
Check out their website: Join the "Thought Movement!". This book is now a #1 best seller!


Sometimes its hard to know what we really want out of life let alone figuring out a plan to achieve it all. Monica is here to help us; to teach us proven ways to get what we may have thought was just a dream.

Monica Regan has developed a five step system that will allow you to achieve your goals guaranteed. This information is so valuable and sought after that the book she wrote quickly became a number one best seller!


Tracy Shannon a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and certified Kundalini Yoga teacher, works full time in health care waste management for the city of Vancouver.
Her passions are people, independent travelling, dancing, sports and learning languages. Tracy grew up in Northern Ireland and lived in England and France before moving to Vancouver in 2007 to study holistic nutrition.


Did you know that over 90% of the body's energy is derived from breath? That the average person breathes anywhere from 3,500 to 40,000 breaths a day? That above water, breath is the one constituent which initiates the entire body into a state of growth & purification simultaneously?

Ecstatic Breath Journeys is one of a rich deepening. A deepening into the vast flavors of the entire body. Through the dynamics of a free flowing breath we will journey into the body's bitter & sweet foundations; peeling back all layers of story and limitation, composting these sticky fragments in the backyard of good reason, and molding out a landscape of pure spaciousness. "In emptiness, worlds reveal. In spaciousness, you are free."

All that is required of you this evening, is to simply breathe!


Bridgette Leeson and the food connection.
I imagine a world where everyone is healthy, happy & not preoccupied with food. Let’s face it; life is no fun when you are thinking- is fat in or out? How many calories are in that?  Does this make me look< deep breath in> fat? Ok, release the breath now; you don’t need to waste your time on these anymore! A place less in the mirror & more in the world. To realize this dream, I focus on helping people create a lifestyle plan that works for them so they can stop thinking about food. All. The. Time. 

As a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, I specialize in many commonly seen eating concerns such as weight, body image, energy, digestion, & mood. My focus is finding the plan that’s right for you! My enthusiasm and experience inspires people to make a change that works for them. Do what you love; in the wise words of my Momma “get out of the mirror & into the world”.

In addition to being an Registered Holistic Nutritionist (RHN) I’ve completed workshops on intuitive eating, assertiveness training& conscious weight management. I am also a Certified Raw & Living Food Chef and this is not the end; I continue to educate myself on & participate in activities that focus on a healthy lifestyle.  Ask me about circus school or the colour run!


Andrea Potter is a Red Seal Chef and Registered Holistic Nutritionist.
She integrates these passions by teaching whole-foods cooking classes and workshops, as well as by offering nutrition counseling. She is passionate about food culture and the benefits of whole, local and slow foods.
Andrea will be bringing you a hands on experience of creating a nourishing meal and desert from scratch. 

Check out her company Rooted Nutrition at

Weekend Menu

Please contact us for bookings and further details
very limited space available and filling up fast
Renee @ 604-340-8883